Land and water use impacts, and the resources management: Lake Jipe catchment case study
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University of Dar es Salaam
Lake Jipe and its wetland situated in a semi arid region have supported many livelihoods in terms of their water source as well as economic support. However, human activities within the catchment have negatively to the lake`s environment and water resources that the population can hardly enjoy its benefits as they did in the 1960`s. being a trans boundary water system shared between Kenya and Tanzania its management is rather complicated. The fact that the water body and its wetland is the only main water resource, then there is need for better management of the resource as well as the catchment area. Siltation, decreased inflows, waterweeds and the associated decrease in the storage volume of the lake threaten the existence of the lake. These are associated with what is happening in the upper catchment areas. Intensified agriculture and other water uses, together with poor land management have contributed to the degradation of the water resources in this catchment. The flow on the main Lumi River in the catchment has decreased but at the same time high runoff discharges are experienced during the rainy seasons. Through the several streams in the catchment, a lot of silt load is transported to the lake and its wetland and consequently raise the lake`s water level. A flow velocity of 0.5m/s maintained by Lumi River guarantees transportation of sediments to the lake throughout the year. Therefore on top of the sediments transported during the floods, sediments transport to this lake continues the year around and greatly affecting its storage capacity. Management of water resources in the catchment is not well coordinated considering that the Pangani water office has not yet established itself in the proposed lower levels and with the district water office that is managing the water on Tanzanian concentrating more on supply coverage. A ministry of water officer equally manages the resources on Kenyan part of catchment but with more or less duplication of activities by various offices dealing with water resources. The conservation efforts are evident along the Lumi River and the springs but control on the land use, silt generation and it transport remains a major concern. In general there is no visible collaboration efforts in the management of the water resources between the two countries. However the current Kenya water act 2002 and the Tanzania National water policies and the act is now the biggest challenge with finances as the major drawback in most cases. Stakeholders participation and hence ownership of water management is still a new ideal and has not taken shape. Lack of data and monitoring system put the whole water affair at stake as no conclusive decisions can be made without the information. The water system been a potential source of conflict needs proper management now as the water demand increase with the several human activities degrading the source.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TD319.M8)
Water supply, Water resource, Land use, Lake Jipe catchment
Muchiri, S.N (2005) Land and water use impacts, and the resources management: Lake Jipe catchment case study.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.