Analysis of possibilities of integration of capps and camms: disadvantages and advantages with respect to Tanzanian situation

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University of Dar es Salaam
This work is intended to analyse the possibilities of integrating the CAPPS and CAMMS. In the course of the analysis, the advantages and the disadvantages of the integration will be sorted out as the aftermath. While the major thought here being "How can production and maintenance functions be integrated to bring about the improved performance and increased productivity"? Attempts were made to know the production planning systems and to get possibilities of introducing the maintenance activities within or incorporating maintenance functional activities into production. There are several efforts, which have been done previously geared towards the research of the integration of production and maintenance activities. Through the literature review in the field, the efforts were made to explore the possibilities of integration by enumerating and analysing the applied systems in the Tanzanian manufacturing firms. However, the main thrust of this work is to focus the integration not only at the operational level as the case might be for the previous researches, but rather, at the planning and strategic level status. For the sake of better and improved productivity and efficiency in the manufacturing environment, the integration of the production planning and maintenance management systems is generally preferred to and said to have more benefits, only subject to the fact there should be a good level of software technology in the industrial production arena. The integrated systems effectiveness is a key factor in the implementation of integrating the CAMMS and CAPPS in Tanzania. However, it should be borne in mind that the potentiality of the integrated production planning and maintenance management systems in Tanzania, particularly in the manufacturing environment, is a possible challenge which stands to be worked out for better business prosperity in future.
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Production planning, Applied systems, Manufacturing systems, Tanzania
Mulebya, J. P. (2001) Analysis of possibilities of integration of capps and camms: disadvantages and advantages with respect to Tanzanian situation, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (