The israel-palestine conflict: is the one state Solution a viable option?

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University of Dar es Salaam
The researcher in this study intended to investigate if the One State Solution is a viable option for the Israel-Palestine conflict. The study had the following specific objectives: To investigate linkage between historical record of facts on the Palestinian-Israel conflict with the information, arguments and other data on the creation of one state; To examine the prospect and challenges of one state creation in contrast to a two-state; and To examine how the one state solution is contributing towards the resolution of the conflicts particularly over Jerusalem, Settlements, and Right of return for Palestinian refugees. The data for the field study were collected in collaboration with Israel and Palestine residents, workers in statistical centers, diplomats, UN workers, Diaspora and academicians. Research methodologies involved: desk study to review current and past literature, focus group workshops and the actual field survey in which questionnaires and interviews guides were employed. The field study involved a total of 362 respondents (175 respondents from the Israel side along with 187 respondents from the Palestine side) and the sample was obtained by using purposive sampling in obtaining respondents who, on bases of their knowledge of the research problem, would immensely contribute their understanding of the salient issues of the conflict and random sampling technique accorded, every person aged 18 or older to an equal chance in participating in the study. Data collection methods included interviews, questionnaires, documentary reviews, focus group workshops and participant observation. Data analysis encompassing primary and secondary data obtained in the field survey was done through the Microsoft Excel and SPSS programs and focused on whether or not the One State Solution is a viable option. The main findings from the study are: First, many historical records on the Palestine-Israel conflict reveal the failure of the two states solution idea in bringing peace on the ground. However, a need for the creation of two independent states (Palestine and Israel) living side by side dominates this study. Second, there exists basic challenges to the one state idea, in that Israelis cling to their stance on creating a pure Jewish state whereas; Palestinians have a vision of instigating a national state. Similarly, the international community official position desires the two states solution. Third, resolutions of the main issues in the conflicts, particularly over East Jerusalem city, Settlements and Right of return for Palestinian refugees, relies more on both sides’ (Israel’s and Palestine’s) commitments. Fourth, the study reveals that Israeli occupiers, on the one hand, very much want to annex more land for increased security in their area, while, on the other, they refuse to give up the Palestinian lands which they occupied in 1967. The study therefore, reveals viable solutions to all of the conflicting touchy Israel-Palestine conflict issues, rests on the opting for two sovereign states. Furthermore, Palestine refugees expelled from their homes and farms after or following Israel occupation, have a right to return to their actual homes, farms, towns and villages, although, contrarily, Israel has continued unabated with more land annexation, building settlements and erecting separatist walls. The study has found out that if the refugees’ right to return is not achieved, and East Jerusalem city is denied to be capital of the future Palestine state, the peace on the ground is unlikely to occur and, therefore, difficult to achieve. Based on the research findings and conclusions made, the study presents various recommendations for key Palestinians and Israelis policy as well to the decision-makers, alongside, the UN and international community for taking immediate action. Additionally, further recommendations are made focused at further studies so as to get a clearer picture on pending issues and to be able to generalize the findings easily focusing more on involving larger samples from both sides of the two conflicting parties while having fewer variables and touchy issues which are apt to exhaustively yield new contributions on how to sustainably resolve the persistent Palestine-Israel like conflict.
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israel-palestine, conflict, state Solution
Abujaish, N.K(2015) The israel-palestine conflict: is the one state Solution a viable option? Doctoral dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.