The role of umbrella organisations in defending workers’ rights: a case study of Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) Protest Action of 2010

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Unversity of Dar es Salaam
This study was undertaken as an attempt to assess the role of umbrella organizations, under labor laws in the country, in defending the workers’ interests with the case study of 2010 TUCTA’s countrywide protest action. Through use of various methodologies such as interviews, documentary reviews, and formal discussions during the study, it was discovered that there are two different legal frameworks governing industrial action between private and public sector. According to these legal frameworks, TUCTA was supposed to follow different procedures before a call for protest action was made, specifically with regard to public servants. The findings revealed further that the trade unions have potential weaknesses as a result of poor knowledge of the legal framework governing the operations of trade unions in Tanzania.The study concludes by indicating that TUCTA leaders misdirected themselves by calling a protest action for all workers in Tanzania while other workers were not members of any trade union and procedures for other group of civil servants were not met. So, federation leaders are supposed to have knowledge of laws especially on areas of their management. Finally, the study recommends for harmonization of Public and Private sector laws with regard to industrial action process. Moreover, this study specifically recommends for the amendments of the Public Service (Negotiating Machinery Act, 2003) together with its rules and regulations to give civil servants the right to protest action.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF KRD.L46)
Labour laws and legislation, Employee rights, Trase Union Gogress of Tanzania
Leonce, M. (2014) The role of umbrella organisations in defending workers’ rights: a case study of Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) Protest Action of 2010, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam